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3rd Party Tools that Complement Linkedin
You might know what you want to accomplish and how. But without the right tools that complement Linkedin it may be taking you forever…or outright causing you to fail. So let’s see what’s out there. We’re going to dive into a variety of different tools today. There’s always a portion of our audience that associates the word ‘tools’ with automation. We can talk about automation, but keep in mind there are a thousand other products out there designed to work together with Linkedin to meet sales, marketing, and recruiting initiatives. Here are few categories to get your wheels spinning: Time savers Sales insights Trigger actions Media creation (video, gif, pdf) Analytics Streaming Data enrichment (email, phone, etc) CRM sync Intent data And more

Why You’re In Linkedin Jail & What You Can Do About It
Today we’re talking about Linkedin Jail and Jesse James. Fun fact. Jesse James was born about 35 miles from where I’m sitting right now. Don’t know Jesse? American outlaw, bank and train robber, guerrilla, and other questionable occupations. As best we can tell, he was only arrested once before being shot by Bob Ford, a member of his own gang. There are a couple lessons here. Never trust a Ford (that’s a car joke), robbery is bad, and learn how to stay out of jail. Linkedin Jail… It’s a thing, and we’ll talk about it today. Some of you may have found yourself in Linkedin jail 100% on accident. Some of you knew you were playing with fire and got burned. And many of you have never spent the night. Today should be fun. Like Jesse James, I want you to learn how to avoid (linkedin) jail. And more importantly, once you do (unlike Jesse)…to stop doing bad things (if you are). We’ll be discussing: What is ‘Linkedin Jail’ How to know if you’re there (spoiler alert, you’d probably know) Why you’re there What to do if you find yourself behind bars And more