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Social Content Creation Made Easy
Are you exhausted from creating social content every day? We get it. As everyone knows, if you are going to create likability, trust, expertise, and authority on any social network you have to post content. Not only do you have to post, but you should post at least daily. Then, if you have a company page you have to post daily there too. Then, if you have more than one social channel you have to post daily there too! Then, some channels require more than one post per day… AAAAHHHHHH!!!! RELAX! It’s much easier than you think! In today’s Linkedin TOGETHER, our Co-founder Monte Clark is going to share some simple strategies that will allow you to quickly and easily create regular content without going insane.

Profile Optimization with Mary Fain Brandt
Last week we looked at ~50 tools that complement Linkedin. Today we have a guest speaker sharing on a topic you won’t want to miss. Houston, your Linkedin Profile has a Problem Fun fact: There are 5k+ people on Linkedin with the first name Houston in the US (yes, I looked). Your name may not be Houston and your mistakes may not kill astronauts…but a sucky profile may be causing you problems and fixing it is your responsibility. Let’s be honest, writing your own profile’s content is hard unless your’e a narcissist. Or an enneagram 3. I need help. You need help. If ONLY there was someone who specialized in writing Linkedin profiles who could give us professional insight. Oh wait – THERE IS! Mary Fain Brandt will be sharing her best advice on turning your dusty old profile into something that matters in 2022. It’s what she does for a living, so hear her out. Mary and I met years ago when she was coordinating one of the first Linkedin Virtual Events (when did I get old?). Give her a connect, here she is on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maryfainbrandt/ I don’t want to steal Mary’s thunder, so be sure to show up live later this morning and hear what she