What happens when you block someone on LinkedIn?

You may want to end up blocking someone on Linkedin for a number of reasons; a falling out (professional or otherwise), someone may be spamming you, or they’re downright creepy. Whatever the reason may be keep in mind that blocking is not the same as selecting “remove connection” or “unfollowing” – it does both plus some. Let’s talk about how to block someone, what happens when you do, and (to the surprise of many) what is not blocked.
How to block someone
View someone’s profile, click “More” and select “Report/Block.” That’s it.
What happens when you block someone on LinkedIn?
- They are not notified.
- If you are connected, the connection will be removed.
- You won’t be able to:
- Access each other’s profiles on Linkedin.
- Message each other.
- See each other’s shared content.
- See each other under “Who’s Viewed Your Profile.”
- Any endorsements and recommendations will be removed.
- Linkedin will stop suggesting you to each other in features such as “People You May Know” and “People also Viewed.”
What is NOT Blocked when you block someone on Linkedin?
To the surprise of many, there is some information that is NOT blocked. Remember, Linkedin has both public and private information about you. Go here to review your public profile settings.
- Blocking does NOT apply to information you make public.
- Public profile content indexed by search engines (editable here).
- Content posted in public (open) group discussions.
- Comments on Influencer posts.
- Mutual connections may share content created by the person you’ve blocked. This will show the blocked person’s content in your news feed. If you’d like, you can choose to hide updates from the person who shared content created by the person you’ve blocked.
Want to see a list of everyone you’ve blocked and know what happens when you unblock?
Read this article.